For some men, getting older can be an exciting time where years of hard work culminate into a fun, fruitful transition into retirement. It's a time to cross off bucket-list items and live life to the fullest, without the stress kids or business getting in the way. However, aging is a scary prospect for other men, filled with exhaustion, depression, and inability to perform in the bedroom.
If you're over the age of 40 and have noticed increased irritability and low sex drive, the world is not ending; chances are, you have low testosterone. Fortunately, advances in male health medicine mean you don't have to settle for a lackluster life with low T. If you're among the 39% of men that suffer from hypogonadism, don't lose hope - contact Better Life Age Management Wellness Center to discover the amazing benefits of TRT in Kiawah Island, SC.
At Better Life, we help men just like you decide how they want to address the aging process. Will you settle for a slow decline or enjoy a fulfilling, normal life? If you wait too long, the choice will be made for you, and you might not like the results.
At Better Life, we believe you can influence your genetic potential through lifestyle. Whether you want to keep up with your teenagers on the basketball court or rediscover passion with your partner, our team of testosterone replacement therapy experts can show you the way.
Better Life was founded to give men with low testosterone a new lease on life - one that includes less irritability, less body fat, and more energy. If you're ready to look and feel younger, it's time to consider testosterone replacement therapy. Our TRT treatments are safe, effective, and personalized to your body and your goals. That way, you can keep loving life as you age, on your own terms.
For many men, TRT bridges the gap between their old, unsatisfying life and the more vibrant one they experience with hormone therapy. After all, you deserve to be in charge of your health and wellness, especially during middle age and beyond. With Better Life by your side, you have the chance to fight back against low testosterone with tools backed by science and research.
Unlike some other TRT clinics in the Carolinas, we aren't trying to treat our clients like they're on an assembly line. We don't cater to the masses - we help heal men who are serious about reclaiming their lives. Our patients choose Better Life because we:
If you're ready to live a more energetic, youthful life, know that it's never too late or too early to do so. But, how do you know you are a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy? Like most things in life, your body will do its part in letting you know.
Over the years, researchers have discovered that the prevalence of low testosterone in men increases from about 20% of men older than 60 to 50% of men older than 80.
To make matters worse, about 40% of men with high cholesterol and blood pressure levels also have low T. Additionally, about 50% of obese men experience low testosterone. If you fall into any of these categories, you should begin to think about ways to change your life, like diet, exercise, and TRT.
If erectile dysfunction has put a cold blanket over the spark between you and your partner, it's time to make a change. About half of men between 35 and 65 deal with erectile dysfunction and its frustrations daily. Fortunately, at Better Life, we have effective solutions to get you back to a place where spontaneity is welcomed and peak performance is common.
Better Life Carolinas provides the most advanced, non-invasive ED treatments available, like testosterone replacement therapy in Kiawah Island, SC. Our TRT treatments have the potential to correct underlying changes in your body instead of just treating symptoms. We feel this approach is a more realistic option rather than taking a pill every time you need to perform. Check out the reviews on our website - Better Life patients with ED couldn't be happier with our treatments.
Testosterone has a role in many body functions, including the production of hair follicles. Many men lose hair and begin balding as they age; however, men with low testosterone can also suffer from loss of body hair. While there is an inherited component to balding, you should be wary of hair loss, especially if hair loss is not common in your bloodline.
Let's be honest here: a man's sex life can be thrown into ruin when they get fat. This is especially true when a man has low T and develops symptoms like gynecomastia or large breasts. Of course, getting fatter means you're looking at a litany of new health problems like high cholesterol and diabetes. It seems like middle-aged men just accept the fact that they're going to get fat. But, it doesn't have to be that way. Men who find themselves developing more fat around their stomachs can correct their testosterone imbalance with TRT from Better Life.
Have you noticed that you feel sluggish, tired, or apathetic on your days off? Men with low testosterone have reported lower energy levels and extreme fatigue, even when not working full time. You might have low T if you're constantly tired despite getting eight hours of sleep or more.
Many men experience changes in concentration, focus, and productivity as they age. Though it's not a serious medical condition, brain fog is usually a symptom of other medical problems, like low testosterone. Men with brain fog experience a lack of mental clarity, problems with memory, lack of focus, and poor concentration. This problem interferes with everyday tasks at work and home, but with hormone therapy, it doesn't have to be an ongoing problem in your life.
Before we dive into the many benefits of testosterone replacement therapy from Better Life, it's important that you understand how TRT works.
Testosterone was initially lab synthesized way back in 1935. Since then, it has been used in clinical settings to help address low test levels. Over the last couple of decades, testosterone has become one of the most common medications in the U.S.
TRT works by restoring healthy testosterone levels in men that suffer from low T. TRT is not too different from insulin needed by diabetics. Essentially, the body lacks a healthy production of a necessary hormone, so it needs to be "replaced" with an exogenous source - in this case, testosterone.
While most men start taking TRT after 50, more men in their 30s and 40s are having their testosterone levels checked at clinics like Better Life Carolinas. If you think you're "too young" to try testosterone replacement therapy but find yourself suffering from symptoms like ED, it wouldn't hurt to have a doctor measure your T levels.
If you're looking for TRT in Kiawah Island, SC, it's easy to understand why. Hundreds of thousands of men have reclaimed their vigor and youth with regular testosterone replacement therapy. With Better Help to guide the way, you too can experience the many benefits of TRT.
A healthy heart pumps blood throughout your body, giving organs and muscles the oxygen they need to perform. Testosterone helps red blood cell production through the bone marrow. When you have low T levels, your muscles and organs will often suffer. Low T levels have been attributed to a number of cardiovascular problems, which is cause for concern.
However, a study of 83,000 men found that males whose testosterone levels returned to normal were 36% less likely to experience a stroke 24% less likely to experience a heart attack. This promising sign shows that TRT can actually help keep your heart and blood healthy.
Testosterone plays a crucial role in bone density. Bone mineral density decreases as men get older and T levels drop. This drop in testosterone raises the risk of developing osteoporosis. Strong bones help support your organs and muscles, boosting quality of life and even athletic performance. Research shows that bone density increases with higher doses of TRT. Some clinical trials recently found that testosterone also increases hip and spinal bone density.
One of the most popular reasons why men choose TRT from Better Life Age Management Wellness Center is to enjoy increased libido. Testosterone levels rise in response to sexual activity and arousal. It's well known that men with higher levels of testosterone have more sexual activity. However, older men need more testosterone for healthy erectile function and libido. TRT is often a viable solution for older men who are looking to reignite that special spark with their spouse.
Additional benefits of using TRT can include:
A: Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women. Also referred to as an androgen, testosterone is a hormone that helps the formation of male body characteristics. Normal testosterone levels for men are between 300 to 1,010 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). As men and women age, they can expect their testosterone levels to decrease naturally. However, conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes and injuries to the testicles can affect T levels. Whether from natural causes or injury, testosterone levels can become abnormally low in some individuals, which is often when TRT is the most helpful.
A: Clinical trials show that TRT is both safe and effective for men with hypogonadism and abnormally low levels of testosterone. When prescribed by a doctor, TRT is very safe so long as there are no external risks present. Clinics like Better Life offer comprehensive health plans that include TRT and other revolutionary treatments to improve quality of life. These treatments are only conducted after rigorous testing to ensure treatment is necessary. However, TRT is not for everyone. Generally speaking, testosterone replacement therapy is not a good idea for people with diabetes, prostate cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.
A: There are several TRT options on the market today, including injections, gels, implants, pills, and patches. After your free consultation and testing, the Better Life team of doctors and specialists will speak with you about the best options for your unique needs.
The days of "living with it" are over. Today, we're able to treat most symptoms of low testosterone with non-surgical, pain-free solutions like TRT in Kiawah Island. There's never been a better time to reclaim your life and face the issues preventing you from being the best you.
Better Life offers several customized health plan options catered to your needs. We make it easy to supplement your testosterone treatments with our in-house scans, peptides, pharmaceutical-grade supplements, and IV hydration services. Don't delay - schedule your free consultation today!
|Updated: Feb. 6, 2025 at 7:12 PM ESTKIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The Town of Kiawah Island wants residents’ comments on their comprehensive plan as officials are trying to nail down priorities for the year.The planning commission is working to update the town’s comprehensive plan and the council’s strategic planning will go hand-in-hand with that.Mayor Brad Belt said council members are chairing different committees to make this happen, including focusing on emergency preparedness for the coastal commu...
|Updated: Feb. 6, 2025 at 7:12 PM EST
KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The Town of Kiawah Island wants residents’ comments on their comprehensive plan as officials are trying to nail down priorities for the year.
The planning commission is working to update the town’s comprehensive plan and the council’s strategic planning will go hand-in-hand with that.
Mayor Brad Belt said council members are chairing different committees to make this happen, including focusing on emergency preparedness for the coastal community and resilience.
“Just like the City of Charleston and other coastal communities, managing our risk with regard to climate change,” Belt said. “Sea level rise, stormwater, heavy rain and flooding, what tools do we need to have in place to better manage those risks and plan and adapt accordingly.”
Other committees will work to manage things like the projected traffic impact from existing development built-out and Johns Island growth and balance the town’s budget to determine how to invest in the future.
Officials said their goal is to take action and not let all of these topics be just talked about.
“How do we organize ourselves best and prioritize to be able to go forward on these important ideas and not just let them lie fallow because we don’t have the resources, time and attention to devote to those,” Belt said.
Conservation, community and connectivity are the three pillars the plan is based on.
Jodi Rush has lived on the island since 2011. She reviewed the draft plan and said she’s hopeful it will not just collect dust on a shelf.
“It checks all of the boxes with what people need to know,” Rush said. ”It tells them about the commitment to transparency and accountability from the government and it goes beyond that. It gives a vision, as many plans do, but this one has some teeth in it.”
The non-finalized comprehensive plan can be viewed here and residents can submit comments to the public comment portal.
A public hearing will be scheduled in the near future, but a date has not yet been nailed down.
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