GAINSWave® Treatment in Tega Cay, SC

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Few things are guaranteed in life, but there is one thing that you can count on for sure: as time goes on, your body is going to age. While most men in their late teens through their twenties might feel invincible, it's only a matter of time before age starts to play a role in everyday life. Injuries take longer to recover from, hangovers take longer to dissipate, aches and pains become a normal part of life, and intimate time with your partner can be compromised. If you have experienced any of the symptoms above, don't worry - it's completely normal to slow down as you get older.

The question is, what are you going to do about the aging process? For years, men were told to just "live with it". The time to fight back is here, and there has never been a better opportunity to live your best life than now. Nobody understands the effects that aging can have on men but our team of professionals at Better Life do. That is why we invest all of our time developing innovative, effective men's health solutions: to give men a chance to change their future and live like they did while they were in their prime. If you're ready to take a stand against ED and live a more energetic, youthful life, know that you're not alone. At Better Life Carolinas, we are here to help by providing the most scientifically advanced treatments on the market today.

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GAINSWave® Treatment In Tega Cay, SC

When it comes to men's health, the topic of sex can still feel taboo, especially when there are performance issues involved. At Better Life Carolinas, we have heard just about every story you can imagine regarding erectile dysfunction or ED. So if you're embarrassed and angry about your performance in the bedroom, we understand how you're feeling. In the past, men had to take strange drugs or sign off on expensive surgeries to help correct their ED, adding to their feelings of shame and hopelessness.

The good news? If you're a man dealing with ED, you don't have to settle for antiquated treatments like those referenced above. There's a new product on the block: a revolutionary, non-invasive treatment that is the first of it's kind. It's called GAINSWave®, and you can bet your bottom dollar that it isn't like anything else you have tried before.

Unlike most ED treatments, this unique approach does not require drugs or surgery. Instead, it relies on high-frequency acoustic waves to open the penis's existing blood vessels, encouraging the growth of new blood vessels while eliminating micro-plaque. To put it simply, GAINSWave® increases blood flow and gives you a chance to reclaim your libido and live life like a man in his prime.

GAINSWave® isn't a sketchy, quick-fix pill found behind the glass at a gas station. It is a comprehensive erectile dysfunction treatment with an incredible 76% success rate. With virtually no side effects, it's no wonder that men throughout the Carolinas and across the United States trust GAINSWave® to solve their ED and Peyronie's disease problems.

GainsWave Treatment Tega Cay, SC  Shockwave Therapy Tega Cay, SC

How GAINSWave® Works

It might sound like GAINSWave® is too good to be true, but the fact is this kind of erectile dysfunction treatment in Tega Cay, SC uses scientifically-backed, time-tested technologies and applications to improve male sexual performance. Technically referred to as Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (LI-ESWT), our GAINSWave® procedure goes right to the crux of the issue. Low-intensity sound waves break up plaque formation in your penis while stimulating new blood vessel growth. These new blood vessels help get more blood to your penis, ultimately improving your ability to perform. This incredible treatment not only increases blood flow - it also causes new nerve tissues to grow, making your penis more sensitive and easily stimulated.

It all happens through a process called neurogenesis, which increases penis sensitivity. What sets GAINSWave® apart from others is the use of low-intensity sound waves to achieve increased blood flow and sensitivity. Because this procedure is completely non-invasive, you won't ever have to worry about expensive insurance claims or unsightly scarring. All you have to worry about is enjoying life like you used to, without having to undergo surgery or putting harmful substances in your body.

Here are some quick facts about Better Life Carolinas GAINSWave® treatments:

  • For most men, you can expect to have between 6 and 12 GAINSWave® sessions
  • Sessions typically take 15 to 20 minutes.
  • GAINSWave® works by releasing growth factors in your penis tissue, which generates new blood vessels.
  • GAINSWave® promotes healthy blood flow by breaking up plaque formation, giving men harder, stronger erections for longer periods of time.
  • GAINSWave® also activates dormant stem cells, which leads to new cell growth in men.

Hidden Risks of Prescription Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

If you have ever wondered why GAINSWave® treatments are so popular with men, the answer is simple. Prescription drugs meant to help ED often come with side effects that can diminish your peace of mind and day-to-day life. While some men swear by the "little blue pill," many guys aren't aware of the hidden risks associated with drugs like Viagra. The following ailments can happen both in the short term and long term:

  • Back Pain
  • Muscle Pain
  • Headaches
  • Vision Loss
  • Rashes
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Hearing Loss
  • Dizziness
  • Upset Stomach
  • Ringing in Ears
  • Fever
 GAINSWave Treatment Therapy Tega Cay, SC

If you are having problems with erectile dysfunction, you should understand why it's happening. The primary cause of ED is associated with a lack of blood flow to the penis, making erections difficult to get and maintain. Rather than relying on a prescription pill for a quick fix, many men are using GAINSWave® treatment in Tega Cay, SC for a natural solution with no ill side effects. ED doesn't have to be your "new normal," and neither does suffering from strange side effects from popping too many "little blue pills."

GAINSWave®, COVID-19, and ED

The global COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on the world. Over the last year, millions of Americans have had to change their lifestyles and alter daily routines to better protect themselves and their loved ones from the virus. While COVID-19 causes a litany of negative side effects, new research shows that men who contract the virus can triple their risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Because the human body is unfamiliar with this kind of virus, it responds by sending a large immune response. During this process, the body uses massive amounts of chemicals to eliminate the virus, causing horrible collateral damage in the form of cell destruction and inflammation.

 Erectile Dysfunction Tega Cay, SC

Contracting COVID-19 and suffering from ED at the same time might sound like a death sentence. However, if you are a man experiencing ED during or after contracting the COVID-19 virus, don't lose hope.

Clinical trials have shown that shockwave therapy, better known as GAINSWave®, has been shown to lower inflammation and boost vascularity by creating angiogenesis and improving endothelial function. Simply put, GAINSWave® treatments can help reverse symptoms of ED brought on by COVID-19. To learn more about how GAINSWave® can help you get back to a normal sex life after developing COVID-19, we recommend contacting our office today.

GAINSWave®: A Natural, Non-Invasive Treatment for Peyronie's Disease

Though Peyronie's Disease affects about 9% of men, it is a little-known disease that can cause physical and aesthetic issues. It is characterized by fibrous scar tissue, which forms underneath the surface of a man's penis. When this disease is left untreated or treated improperly, it can be very difficult for men to have a normal erection. This is because Peyronie's Disease can cause painful curvatures in the penis, making it nearly impossible for afflicted men to have sexual intercourse at all.

The cause of Peyronie's Disease is currently unknown. However, most cases stem from physical trauma like acute injuries after vigorous sex. Other causes include prostate surgery, autoimmune disorders, and family history. Unfortunately, traditional treatment options range from a "wait and see" approach to prescription drugs and even surgery.

Symptoms and signs of Peyronie's Disease include:

  • Erectile Dysfunction: Men with this disease may have problems achieving or maintaining erections.
  • Misshapen Penis: Some men with this disease suffer from a narrowing of the penis when erect, resembling an hourglass shape.
  • Notable Bend in Penis: One of the most common symptoms of Peyronie's Disease includes significant penis curvature, which is defined by a severe and unnatural bend.
  • Scar Tissue: A common symptom of this disease is bands of tissue or hard lumps underneath the skin of the penis.
  • Shortened Penis: Some men with this disease have reported a reduction in penis length.
  • Pain in Penis: Peyronie's has the potential to cause pain in a man's penis, regardless of whether he has an erection or not.
GainsWave Treatment Tega Cay, SC

Fortunately, for men who are looking for a non-invasive, natural erectile dysfunction treatment in Tega Cay, SC GAINSWave® is the answer. Using low-strength soundwaves or shockwaves, GAINSWave® treatment in Tega Cay breaks down scar tissue affecting your penis, helps create new blood vessels, and opens up existing ones. As a result, blood flow is increased, which minimizes penis curvature and fixes the problems associated with erectile dysfunction.

P-Shot® Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Tega Cay, SC

Most guys will tell you that their penis is the most important part of their body. While that is not totally true from a physiological perspective, we get where they're coming from - after all, a man's penis plays a big role in his personal life and overall wellbeing. When a man has problems achieving and maintaining an erection, his quality of life can suffer dramatically, resulting in lower self-esteem and even depression. If you are a man and suffering from ED or Peyronie's Disease, you can rest easy knowing help is only a phone call away.

 Shockwave Therapy Tega Cay, SC

In addition to GAINSWave® treatments, Better Life Carolinas also offers the Priapus Shot or P-Shot® for short. Originally used to treat wounds and sports injuries, our P-Shot® is an all-natural treatment that fortifies your body through cellular repair and rejuvenation. P-Shot® treatments have shown very promising results for men who have suffered from prostate cancer, enlarged prostates, the side effects of surgery, drug side effects from prescription pain killers, and even diabetes.

You might be asking yourself, "How does the P-Shot® work?"

This ED solution works by using platelet-rich plasma or PRP from your own body. The proteins and growth factors released by the large number of platelets activate your stem cells, which begins cellular regeneration and repair wherever the PRP are used in your body. Tissue repair in your penis is further aided by the formation of new blood vessels and collagen production.

In many cases, men who use the P-Shot® to correct erectile dysfunction or the effects of Peyronie's Disease can resume sexual activity a few hours after the treatment is applied.

Benefits of Better Life Carolinas' P-Shot® include:

  • Increased blood flow to the penis
  • Improved stamina during sexual activities
  • Improvement and possible resolution of penile curvature issues caused by Peyronie's Disease
  • Increased penis sensitivity
  • Improvements to penis girth and length

For more information about the Priapus Shot or to find out if this treatment is right for you, schedule your free consultation today.

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Latest News in Tega Cay, SC

The buck stops here: Tega Cay will start culling 'out of control' deer, and using birth control

Tega Cay, South Carolina has long been attractive to people looking to escape the city and live alongside nature, a golf course and Lake Wylie. But lately, it's also become attractive to set a new neighbors — deer, hundreds of them.So many that the Tega Cay City Council has been looking at reducing the population either by killing some with sharpshooters, or via a proposal from a local wildlife group to shoot the deer with birth control....

Tega Cay, South Carolina has long been attractive to people looking to escape the city and live alongside nature, a golf course and Lake Wylie. But lately, it's also become attractive to set a new neighbors — deer, hundreds of them.

So many that the Tega Cay City Council has been looking at reducing the population either by killing some with sharpshooters, or via a proposal from a local wildlife group to shoot the deer with birth control.

At their meeting Monday night, City Council members decided: Why not try both?

Mary Ickert with the Tega Cay Wildlife Conservation Society, who had urged City Council members to take the birth control option, joined WFAE's Nick de la Canal to give her reaction to the vote.

Nick de la Canal: It's my understanding that council members last night voted to essentially hire sharpshooters to kill 80 deer — that's the limit, and then look into deploying these birth control darts maybe next spring or summer. What's your initial reaction to that decision?

Mary Ickert: Yeah, so obviously we would not prefer to have sharpshooters. You know, we've always understood that we have a lot of deer in Tega Cay, and of course, it's time to have something done.

We were hopeful that the city would implement a PZP program as a standalone, but as we learned last night they have decided to start with culling these animals first, and then hopefully work with us getting PZP up and going for the future.

De la Canal: The city estimates there are more than 1,000 deer on the peninsula. Can you give us a sense of what that looks like on the ground, and how much of a problem is it?

Ickert: That's a good question, Nick. I actually live on the peninsula myself. Me personally, never would have thought we had 1,000 deer back here. You know I definitely see deer every day. They walk through my yard. Sometimes they're in a herd of six to eight, and sometimes they're a doe with their fawns. We have plenty of neighbors though that say they see up to 50 deer in their yard on a daily basis.

De la Canal: I know people have talked about deer eating their grass and their plants and you know pooping everywhere —

Ickert: Well yeah, yeah, it's definitely — that's been a concern for many of folks here.

De la Canal: But is it also more than that too? I think there's been an increase in traffic accidents too involving deer?

Ickert: Actually that's not true. We actually just talked to the city about this. We lose about 150 and actually this year it's closer to 170 deer per year. And a lot of people assume that is through car accidents and only 6 deer this year were due to car versus deer incidents.

Most of the deer here that are sadly passing away are doing so just — mother nature. And a lot of them unfortunately are getting injured on fences. They'll try to jump over a clear fence and get a leg stuck, and sadly give in to those wounds.

De la Canal: Well, I guess kind of what I'm trying to get at is: Is it more of a problem from the humans, or the deer, or both?

Ickert: To me, and to many of us, this is a social issue. These animals breed like crazy, and with growth and humanity kind of building up all around them, they have nowhere to go.

And all of a sudden there's more and more and they're in your yards, and a lot of people look at them as nuisance(s), as pests. So it really is kind of subjective. There are plenty of people here that love the deer, have no issue with the deer, and other people are just sick and tired of them being around.

De la Canal: So your group had proposed shooting the deer with this birth control vaccine called PZP. Some residents who spoke at city council were concerned about the cost, I think. It would be significantly more expensive than shooting and killing the deer, and also that it could take a year or two before there's any impact. But why do you think it's still the best option?

Ickert: First of all, the numbers that were presented last night were skewed, if you will. At the end of the day, we know how much PZP costs, and we know that it is effective, and this whole thing started with us looking into a more humane alternative for managing these animals.

De la Canal: So the city has approved using sharpshooters at least in the short term, and just so people know, these will be trained shooters who will work in areas closed off to the public with safety in mind, but one of the council members last night also thanked you specifically for presenting birth control darts as an option.

Councilman Gus Matchunis: I was extremely skeptical that you could pull it off, and I congratulate you on what you did in a very short period of time. It was quite incredible and you opened all our eyes to something different. Because we basically thought we had one option and one option only.

De la Canal: Do you feel like your advocacy actually made a difference?

Ickert: Yeah, I mean this whole thing started off as a conversation with a neighbor friend of mine when they were entertaining the idea of culling and many of us were against it and decided to look into other alternatives. This definitely has been a lot of work for our group, but we believe in this program. We believe that this will work.

The fact that our city leaders did meet with us and listen to us and look at this option for PZP was definitely something we were very proud of.

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Corrected: December 24, 2023 at 8:27 AM EST

A previous transcription of this interview misquoted Ickhart as saying 60 deer were involved in traffic accidents. In fact, Ickhart said six deer had been involved in traffic accidents this year in Tega Cay.

Meat from deer culled in Tega Cay will help address food insecurity

TEGA CAY, S.C. — Much of the meat from deer culled in a South Carolina city will be used to address food insecurity within a local community.This week, a sharpshooter will once again take out deer in Tega Cay. It’s part of the city’s plan to address a deer overpopulation problem there. 160 of the animals are slated to be culled.Channel 9′s Tina Terry learned a lot of the venison from the deer is being donated to the Catawba Nation. It’s a decision the tribe’s chief said he’s also on boa...

TEGA CAY, S.C. — Much of the meat from deer culled in a South Carolina city will be used to address food insecurity within a local community.

This week, a sharpshooter will once again take out deer in Tega Cay. It’s part of the city’s plan to address a deer overpopulation problem there. 160 of the animals are slated to be culled.

Channel 9′s Tina Terry learned a lot of the venison from the deer is being donated to the Catawba Nation. It’s a decision the tribe’s chief said he’s also on board with. He said the meat they’ve received so far will help fight food insecurity on the reservation.

Terry visited the Catawba Nation on Tuesday. There, she saw white grocery bags filled with hundreds of pounds of deer meat that will soon help nourish people in need.


“One of the things we’re intending to do with the meat is get it to our senior center and get it to our Boys & Girls Club, or Early Head Start,” said Hayley Brezeale, the food sovereignty coordinator for the tribe.

Brezeale said about 2,400 people call the reservation home and more than 20% of them deal with food insecurity.

“In the cases of most reservations, you’re going to see higher rates of food insecurity issues,” she said. “We have a higher average than the general population.”

“Absolutely very grateful for anything to help,” resident Angie Branham said.

Branham has lived on the reservation for 25 years. She said the venison will benefit her family greatly.

“My family does like to hunt when they have the opportunity,” she said.

“Of course with our workforce and trying to make ends meet with today’s economy, it’s tough,” she added. “So we don’t have time to go out to hunting lands.”

Brezeale said the deer meat will also help educate the community, teaching them how to cook a meat that has been a staple of indigenous people.

“We know that colonization greatly impacted our food resources,” she said.

She said her community is grateful for the donation and hopes the partnership with Tega Cay can continue.

“So really, we’d love to continue building a relationship with us and help expand on that program to be able to assist more tribal citizens,” Brezeale said.

The next round of culling will start again from dusk until dawn Tuesday night and Wednesday night.

Terry learned city staff will present non-lethal options to deal with the deer at a meeting later this month.

(WATCH BELOW: Sharpshooter to cull deer population at Tega Cay golf course)

City of Tega Cay, USDA sharpshooter to begin culling 160 deer at local golf course

TEGA CAY, S.C. — A sharpshooter will help the city of Tega Cay get its deer population under control this week as a plan that's been more than a year in the making gets started.Right now, there are over 1,000 deer within the city limits.Tega Cay City Council met on Monday to discuss details of plans to thin the herd in agreement with the USDA and wha...

TEGA CAY, S.C. — A sharpshooter will help the city of Tega Cay get its deer population under control this week as a plan that's been more than a year in the making gets started.

Right now, there are over 1,000 deer within the city limits.

Tega Cay City Council met on Monday to discuss details of plans to thin the herd in agreement with the USDA and what it will cost.

During Monday's meeting, city council members approved additional resources so sharpshooters can kill even more deer. The original plan had officials culling 80 deer this season, though the plan now is to cull 160 deer at the Tega Cay Golf Club over two weeks, from Jan. 22 through Feb. 5.

The lone no vote was councilman Brian Carter, who cited the financial burden.

The expected price tag is a little over $94,000. City leaders discussed an official work plan and the USDA's responsibilities during Monday's meeting.

RELATED: Tega Cay leaders approve plan to control deer population

The sharpshooting will take place from dusk until dawn and the city is asking people to stay away from the golf course during this time. Violators will be charged with trespassing.

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For months, people living in Tega Cay have been split on the issue, either pressuring the city council to deal with the problem or voicing concerns about the treatment of the deer and public safety.

"No one is walking around in anybody’s backyard with an AR-15 shooting deer," City Councilman Scott Shirley said. "That’s not anywhere close to what that would look like. It would be controlled by law enforcement and the public safety is going to be the No. 1 factor there."

The Tega Cay Wildlife Conservation Society has spoken out against the city’s “last minute notice” of the culling, saying the city dismissed a birth control darting idea to appease angry residents. But the city is moving forward with the sharpshooting plan.

The city said the deer meat will be processed and donated to food banks in the area.

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A York County city will be the first in South Carolina to get new Google Fiber service

Tega Cay will be the first city in South Carolina with access to Google Fiber service.Gov. Henry McMaster joined Google and city staff Wednesday to announce the plans. Tega Cay’s service is a first in South Carolina, but also an extension of Google Fiber in the Charlotte market. Service is available in the Charlotte and Triangle markets in North Carolina now.The ...

Tega Cay will be the first city in South Carolina with access to Google Fiber service.

Gov. Henry McMaster joined Google and city staff Wednesday to announce the plans. Tega Cay’s service is a first in South Carolina, but also an extension of Google Fiber in the Charlotte market. Service is available in the Charlotte and Triangle markets in North Carolina now.

The service is available in 32 markets in 17 states, including the addition of Tega Cay.

Construction on infrastructure for the Tega Cay service should begin early next year. Internet service would follow by late 2024.

In Charlotte, Google Fiber recently added 5 Gig and 8 Gig service. Other planned metro expansion areas includes Huntersville and Concord, North Carolina. Details on which Tega Cay neighborhoods will get services on what schedule aren’t yet available. According to Google Fiber, new network additions can take several years to complete.

Google Fiber offers include home Internet, Wi-Fi, television and phone service, plus business options. Rates for Tega Cay aren’t listed, but Charlotte prices range from $70 a month for 1 Gig internet to $150 a month for 8 Gig.

Tega Cay City Council unanimously approved a service agreement this week to bring in Google Fiber.

“This partnership will bring high speed Internet access, economic growth and innovation to our community,” Mayor Chris Gray said during Wednesday’s announcement. “We are committed to making Tega Cay a hub of connectivity and progress.”

Google Fiber announced plans in 2015 to bring its service to North Carolina.

“Even then,” said company southeast manager Darrel Hegar, “it was our hope that we would not only be in the Charlotte area, but we would be in South Carolina.”

Gov. Henry McMaster called the news a great step forward.

Long-time residents and new ones alike, McMaster said, will benefit as they have to be educated, kept safe and given opportunities to succeed to maintain the quality of life people in South Carolina expect.

“That’s where this comes in,” McMaster said. “That’s where Google comes in. That’s where broadband comes in. That’s where the Internet comes in. What we’ve learned is, our people have a thirst for information.”

This story was originally published October 19, 2023, 4:13 PM.

Sharpshooter to cull deer population at Tega Cay golf course

TEGA CAY, S.C. — The city of Tega Cay will use a sharpshooter to eliminate some of its deer population starting next week.There have been more than 1,100 deer in an area that is about the size of 3.4 square miles, officials said.On Thursday, officials with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources granted the town permission to double the number of deer that can be culled. That number must still be approved by the city council at its meeting on Monday.PREVIOUS STORIES:The culling process woul...

TEGA CAY, S.C. — The city of Tega Cay will use a sharpshooter to eliminate some of its deer population starting next week.

There have been more than 1,100 deer in an area that is about the size of 3.4 square miles, officials said.

On Thursday, officials with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources granted the town permission to double the number of deer that can be culled. That number must still be approved by the city council at its meeting on Monday.


The culling process would take about two weeks at the golf course.

Not all residents support the effort.

“There’s always the possibility for an accident,” resident Heather Jones said. “Bullets don’t always follow the path they’re supposed to even with the best safety precautions.”

Contractors have been working with staff members to identify locations on the golf course, said Joey Blethen, the deputy city manager.

“The first priority is where they can safely shoot not having to worry, because there are houses around the golf course,” he said.

The city will post warning signs around the course and off-duty officers will help secure the area, Blethen said.

City leaders will have to vote to approve killing 160 deer at their meeting on Monday night.

“Our current numbers are pretty staggering and through speaking with wildlife experts, 80 is just a drop in the bucket and 160 would be more impactful to helping us manage the herd,” Blethen said.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture will provide the sharpshooter.

Chuck Caravello, who uses a leaf blower to keep the deer away from his house, said the plan is a step in the right direction.

“They eat a lot and they eat everything they can get their mouth on. So, it’s hard to have a nice lawn,” he said.

Blethen said this is the first step.

The town will investigate other options in the future including sterilization and birth control.

The culling process starts Monday and is scheduled to go through Feb. 5.

The golf course and surrounding paths will be closed to the public from dusk until dawn during that time.

City leaders said the sharpshooter will use a silencer so there won’t be any noise.

(WATCH BELOW: ‘Way overpopulated’: Tega Cay considering birth control for deer)

‘Way overpopulated’: Tega Cay considering birth control for deer


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